
Saturday 13 April 2013

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Ubisoft Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon comes across as the love child of the action movie genre from the inspired 80's.

Blending the likes of Saturday morning cartoon series such as M.A.S.K. and cheesy action / sci-fi movies, all packaged in a degraded VHS-style trailer and retro neon chromatic aberration visuals.

I love it ...definitely one of the best DLC / standalone game I have come across in a while. The setting is in the distant future of 2007 (lol...I know right?), nuclear war has devastated the planet. You play as Sergeant Rex Colt, a Mark 4 Cyber Commando voiced by Terminator and Aliens actor Michael Biehn, who is perfect in this role.

Your mission; infiltrate and raid a small remote island which is populated by a rogue cyber army (who sound like cylons from Battlestar Galactica by the way) where a new bioweapon holds the potential for peace. As a matter of fact, almost everything on the island is a cyborg, there are even dragons with frickin' lasers - hell yeah!!!

Ubisoft Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is a  3GB standalone digital download DLC with only the gameplay and mechanics much the same as in Far Cry 3. There are collectables, animal hunting and hostage rescue missions. Completing successful side quests unlocks upgrades and the ability to customise weapons.

If you're like me you will love the 8-bit style cut scenes, homages to 80's action genre, very funny deadpan humour, 80's synth based pumping soundtrack, cheesy dialogue, crude language and the obligatory action movie one liners - awesome.

As a side note, apparently, Russian crackers managed to infiltrate Uplay servers and added code, appearing to Uplay that they had administration of all the games.

Therefore, they were able to download and release the unreleased Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon.

The game is currently making the rounds on various sites and several gameplay videos have found their way onto YouTube. Check it out while you can before Ubisoft issues takedown notices.

Regardless, if you can and have the opportunity, get this one when released - you won't regret it.

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